Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Health is easy, people are not


How do I inspire people to be healthy?

Some of you already have in mind the question:

“Why on earth should I do that?” – This question arises not necessarily because of selfishness, but rather because of knowing how hard it is to change a human habit.

A habit which have been long rooted in our mind, for 10, 20 … 80 years.

And you know what? When we try to change a habit we are fighting with ourselves!!!

Therefore the motivation and the arguments would better be stronger than our belief.

Ok. Firstly, I think that the best way to make someone aware about the food they are eating is to be an actual example.

Fiends are coming to me and ask different questions. From “Are you worried about dead animals?” up to “Isn’t it disgusting to eat a raw carrot?

Sometimes we laugh a lot while I reply to them, other times there is pure anger, and other times people are tired of being where they are and desperately looking for a change.

This is the trick! – Be an example, not smart (with complex theories about sulfates from vegetables that make you younger) not loud (over shouting the people who eat fast food) but, as Dr. Graham told me, SHINE – be an example.

And the more I interact with people the more I see how their perception changes.

I have a friend, who is a mother of a 12 year old, and she used to tell me:

You are so skinny, you should eat some stake, at least boiled, but you should put some fat on you.

In these cases I never argue, I just smile, and I always say “Thank you, But I feel great, and that matters to me”.

Without shouting, without showing myself as being smarter. After saying those words, I leave the scene, thinking that I am right and the other person thinking that s/he is right. No bad feelings. And next time we meet we laugh and joke, and if s/he mentions again the idea about gaining fat, I repeat the same answer.

BUT, in about 5 months, my friend started asking me how come I run throughout all the building all the day and feel so fresh without drinking coffee / eating meat - the things which are supposed to make you more energetic – and in the end they are the ones tired, sleepy and exhausted.

In these cases I always say to people “Because I eat the right food”. That’s it!!! No more information, not that I’m raw, or vegan or fruitarian … jut the right food.

With experience I noticed, that when you tell to people that you’re raw, or vegan or fruitarian or eating living foods … people take you as a joke. Not necessarily because it is a joke, but due to the strong internal food habits and shaggy knowledge background about food. It does not matter how many, and the strength of the arguments you will bring, in most of the cases there will be an internal resistance of the comfort zone they’ve been into about food for the last 10, 20 … years.

If you want to inspire a person, you have to tell them step by step the information that they are ready to hear. What their mind will be ready to perceive, and why not try!!!

Nothing revolutionary – totally against their belief – just a small modification of the belief that is well rooted in their mind.

And believe me, when the advice will work, they will change their belief themselves.

The easies and most effective way to inspire a person, is when they inspire themselves from inside.

So what do I do?

I tell them about food combining. And it is ALWAYS perceived very well.

That’s the secret!!!

I explain them that when we mix foods we feel so exhausted and swollen and ….

I give them a chart of food combining and an important advice, to never mix Fruits with any food and the fact that it’s the best and quickest way to get energy.

Therefore: “You should try eating in the morning till noon energetic fruits, then lunch and dinner using the food combining rules”. – It works like miracle!!!

Friends come back happy to me, that they’ve lost weight, they are running all around with energy like ME, that they feel great, AND (here comes the drums) they always ask – “What else am I supposed to know”  - now they are prepared and here come the next parts.

I feel great – but what makes me feel greater – is when people come to me saying how great they feel.

That’s me,
Vadim Mura
Write your stories bellow and what do you do to make people happy?


  1. Great article :) .

    I think that the best thing I do for people is beeing alive .. It's sounds strange, but it's almost the same thing like in your story. I'm beeing an example because I survived after my body was sick - after I had leukemia .
    I don't say : the food is all that matters, but I certainly know that the food does matter .

  2. That's perfectly true :)
    You are a perfect example of what you stand for.
    I cant understand how come a patient can go to a doctor which smokes and seek motivation for stop smoking (or something similar). I would rather go and ask/learn about health from someone who is "healthy" than from someone who has a degree. (I hope you saw the commercial "I have an MBA" funny one to the topic) ... Enjoy life

  3. what are the energetic foods that you mention would be good in the morning?
